Can you get a healthy tan? What would you suggest to those who can not stop taking sun?
Being deeply tanned is no longer a sign of beauty. It is advisable not to take sun in times of increased solar radiation as the noon nap, when one is exposed is essential to use good products of high protection. You must drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration and dryness of the skin. Opt for the intake of fruits and vegetables with beta carotene, such as carrots, pumpkin, spinach, among others, to help get a more durable and natural tan without excessive sun exposure. "
When any adverse effects caused by the sun on the skin is young is not noticeable at all. The problem occurs with the passage of time and especially after 40 years. Definitely if it will take sun, we must restore skin which is removed.
How much really help the sun protection factors in the prevention of skin cancer?
Creams, gels or spray sunscreens act by absorbing, reflecting or scattering sunlight. You must use at least 30 minutes before sun exposure. You must know that, reflective surfaces such as water, the beach, the floor, make that sun exposure increases twice.
Therefore, sunscreens protect us, but they are not 100%. You must use appropriate and clear clothing, beanie, sunglasses, and is very important to be clear that you should not use the shield to increase the amount of time spent in the sun. Sun damage is cumulative as it is produced by the snuff too, this is very important to care for children and babies not exposed to the sun, as their skins are those with the most immature defense mechanisms which leads to greater risk.
Who have taken much sun type of health treatments and beauty of the skin can make to improve your appearance?
In any case, it is necessary to make a good diagnosis to focus on the most appropriate treatment for every need. The best treatment to repair damage from the sun and skin revitalization snuff is by administering high concentrations of vitamin C intravenously in conjunction with the Specific nutrient supplementation to replenish skin collagendestroyed by UV light. It should combine facials deep peels and skin hydration. In autumn-winter, the ideal is to make physical or chemical peeling according to the need and the type of skin
Who do work or sports that require sun exposure how to care?
The main thing to consider is the risk of skin cancer because of inadequate exposure. It is advisable that those who play sports try to realize them in times of lower solar radiation as early morning or late into the evening. If you cannot help, they should drink plenty of fluids, wear clothing with breathable fabrics and light colored and creams with high sunscreen. For runners is important to use beanie and goggles to protect the eyes. Ideally, get a good facial cleansing before sunscreen and place 30 minutes before jogging for absorption correctly. It should be noted that the case is water resistant to prevent sweat delete it and replicate it every so often.
General measures to put into practice in holiday
1. Take care especially of the children. Sun damage is cumulative.
2. Do eat products containing antioxidants such as vegetables raw, vegetables, colorful salads and fruit by the excessive free radical release which produces the exhibition in the Sun.
3. Not exposed to the Sun in hours of high rate of lightning UV. Protected even on cloudy days.
4 Use products keep the skin well hydrated, as solutions, emulsions and creams that contains vitamin E and C.
5. Place a maximum FPS protection stain
6. Do not use oils or "remedies homemade"tanning faster, it is very dangerous
7. Protect your hands until they are also so exposed in the Sun on a daily basis as the face.
8. Use sunscreen during throughout the year and not only in the summer season.
Not everyone has the same skin type, in those with fair skin (blondes, redheads) the ability to have spots or freckles is greater, for this is that the visit should be included in the annual medical checks to the dermatologist, as main factor prevention of any disease.